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Thread: Need work advice

  1. #1
    Pill popping nihilist Cryptic's Avatar
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    Exclamation Need work advice

    So I had a summer internship at the place I work at now. Everything went fine. I didn't have ONE problem this past summer.

    But now, things are different. I'm in a new department with a new group of people and a new super and things aren't working out anymore and I don't know what to do. Here's are the problems and what's going on.

    1. My coworkers are the worst gossips, tattletales and busybodies I've ever dealt with. I know I'm only 18 1/2 but I've been formally working since 14 and while I certainly don't know it all, I think I'm in a position to judge that these people are WAY over the top. I mean all they do - ALL THEY DO - is sit around and talk about people. They talk about people during work. They talk about people during lunch. They talk about people after work. They go to the bar and talk about people. It's like an addiction. They'll talk about somebody else to me, and I know damn well as soon as I leave the room I'm the topic of discussion. I don't engage it, seriously I don't, I just make like I have something to do and make a quick exit, and I think that's part of the next problem, which is....

    2. My supervisor believes every negative things she hears about me. Now granted I'm not perfect, and I'm kind of young to have a "professional" job, so I had and have some things to work on. Like I have a kind of dry, sarcastic sense of humor that can sometimes get misunderstood. It was an issue when I first started but I could see that I was partly responsible for why I was having problems so I make sure that what I say will actually be taken as a joke before I say it and that's not a problem anymore. Still, the busybody crew won't let it die. I was talking to a guy I get along with the other day who's just a couple years older than me, and we were joking around about stuff. He said how he had to do something and he better get on it because it had to be done by tomorrow and if it wasn't, he was gonna be in trouble, and I said "What you mean again?" He laughed and made a quip back to me. It was fine in the context and to the person I was talking to. Someone who OVERHEARD went and tattled on me that I was being "discourteous" to him and I got in trouble for it. I said he wasn't even offended, go ask him, and my supervisor said she did and no, he wasn't offended, but that it still wasn't a comment I should have said. I wasn't telling racist jokes, cussing up a storm, or making sexual innuendo. What's the damn problem? I can only filter what I say to the person I'm talking to...not X number of people who MIGHT be evesdropping.

    3. The above example is only an instance. It is WAY out of control. I can't open my mouth to even ask a job related question and someone goes running to my super about my tone of voice, some criticism about my work, something. It really is that bad. The other day I asked where something was kept and got yelled at because "I should know that by now". Anyway all this stress is starting to impact my performance. I'm so worried about what's going to be taken out of context next that I'm preoccupied with it and I'm starting to make dumb mistakes. So now of course I'm getting in trouble for THAT. I've tried explaining it to my supervisor who just calls it "an excuse for poor performance instead of taking responsibility for it". That is NOT the case. I told her because I want her help solving the problem. I don't like that my performance is suffering either. She just used some really harsh language and basically called me a liar to my face.

    Anyway because of all this now I'm more or less back on probation. This is NOT the economy in which one wants to lose their job, and if I can find a way to fix this it will pave the way for a really good job in my future. I just don't know what to do.

    I mean I can try to just not talk to anybody and go through this probationary bullshit but I just have a feeling like there is no level where I'm concerned that will be acceptable, and that at the end of this "improvement program" I'll just hear that I didn't improve and get canned.

    I'm a good guy with a good sense of responsibility and a good work ethic. I don't know why this is happening and I don't know what I can do to change it.

  2. #2
    Superfly Pepsi's Avatar
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    I say just rough it out until it becomes unbearable.

    If worse comes to worse, however, I'd recommend putting in a request to transfer to another department...maybe the one you were previously in...and if you don't get the transfer, seek a private meeting with your supervisor's boss.

    Watch what you say and just be polite. That's the only way I can see it working out without a transfer.
    I hear the voices inside my head. They counsel me. They understand. They talk to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by djwolford View Post
    You know, when Tidus points out that you have failed at internetting, it's probably time to go ahead and off yourself.
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    pepsi reserves the right to tell cryptic to get out at any time

    it's in the CD charter

  3. #3
    Pill popping nihilist Cryptic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pepsi View Post
    I say just rough it out until it becomes unbearable.

    If worse comes to worse, however, I'd recommend putting in a request to transfer to another department...maybe the one you were previously in...and if you don't get the transfer, seek a private meeting with your supervisor's boss.

    Watch what you say and just be polite. That's the only way I can see it working out without a transfer.

    LOL, easier said than done. I get what you mean though, I just don't see HOW it possibly can become bearable.

    A transfer isn't an option right now. The department I had my internship in is basically only seasonal. The research they do can only be done in the summer months, so when there's no work for them, they all go to other departments. Even if it were possible, they want you to be in your current department for 18 months before you transfer. I've only been in mine since Sept. Screwed there too.

    I've thought about meeting with my supevisor's boss, but I don't really know her at all. The reason my supervisor might be the way she is could be because HER boss is a douchebag too. Also, it's been my experience as well as my parents and my friend's parents (talked about this with a few people more experienced in the professional world than me) that supervisors tend to be cut off the same block. No, it's not always true, but considering that my supervisor is the kind that reacts with aggression whenever she feels threatened, undermined, or challenged, I think that might only make things worse.

  4. #4
    feel like funkin' it up gwahir's Avatar
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    I'll give you the same advice I give anyone unhappy with their job:

    Behave utterly to the best of your ability and search for a new, better job. Get as good a reference from this one as you can and go somewhere else.

  5. #5
    Pill popping nihilist Cryptic's Avatar
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    I'm doing that at the moment and that is sound advice. I mean when things are THIS bad, I personally don't see much of a way to turn them around.

    Unfortunately now isn't really the best atmosphere for job hunting and I need to find a way to keep this one until I can find something else.

  6. #6
    Senior Member ozzy's Avatar
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    Buy your supervisor the book How to Win Friends and Influence People for Christmas. I think its a must read for anyone involved in business, especially higher ups.

  7. #7
    has hairy legs Janglez's Avatar
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    Start telling on your coworkers so they get in trouble and maybe they will stop telling on you.

  8. #8
    Superfly Pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Janglez View Post
    Start telling on your coworkers so they get in trouble and maybe they will stop telling on you.
    That's possibly the worst advice you can give him at the moment.

    In this case, you should NOT fight fire with fire.

    If you start "telling" on them, I see two possibilities.

    A. You undergo more scrutiny in your actions and speech. Soon enough you won't be able to do your everyday work without having someone looking over your shoulder to find an excuse to get you into trouble/fired. (Yes, I realize they're already doing that...but it will become worse.)
    B. You could be fired for trying to get someone else in trouble/causing disruption in the workplace/some other reason they'll make up. Honestly, I say this because it looks like your entire department hates you.
    I hear the voices inside my head. They counsel me. They understand. They talk to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by djwolford View Post
    You know, when Tidus points out that you have failed at internetting, it's probably time to go ahead and off yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by gwahir View Post
    pepsi reserves the right to tell cryptic to get out at any time

    it's in the CD charter

  9. #9
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    I have the same situation with the gossip garbage.

    Just ignore it. That's what I do. I just do my job and act professional.

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