Im 21, graduated HS, have one year of college experience. I hated what I was doin in college, so I moved, and started automotive school. Now, after being fired from my second auto job in 3 months, Ive realized that workin on cars every day isnt really for me. But I have no idea where to go from here. My fiance Tiffany just told me she wants to postpone our wedding til 2011 after Ive had a job for a year cause we gotta save up. Do you think itll take THAT long to save up $2-3 grand (parents will help out)? I dont. But she just wants me to have a steady job for a year or so. I dunno what to do now, I thought things were going great at my job, then I made one small mistake, and got fired. The last time, I got laid off cause they didnt have enough business.

I feel like I cant do anything, like there is nothing out there that I could see myself doing. I would go back to school, but I dont wanna be wasting time like I did three years ago, where I was failing classes, and not really motivated. I feel stuck, like I cant do anything. I certainly dont want to lose Tiffany, I love her more than anyone, and I want us to have a good future together. What can I do?