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Thread: The Specialists

  1. #1
    Senior Member ShitFace's Avatar
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    Cool The Specialists

    So, I was thinking today, what are my all time favourite games, including mods.

    I decided that The Specialists is probably my number one.
    The amount of time I spent playing that game is beyond counting...and just the game itself is amazing.
    Its a Half Life 1 mod for the pc, based on gun fights and kung fu fights from films such as The Matrix and Face Off and other John Woo films.

    Even has character models for morpheus, neo, i think trinity too, also hitman from the hitman games and the bad guy from face off (can't remember the name) and even the golden colts from face off, complete with engravings.
    As well as most of the levels being from scenes in those films. My favourite map was ts_lobby, based on the lobby scene in the first matrix. It was even made so chunks of the pillars would be shot to pieces like in the film, which was pretty advanced for those days, as far as I remember.

    Just remembering how well done the kung fu was, and the acrobatics. There were actual moves to learn how to do, tricks of the game, eg running up walls and backflipping off them, possibly onto another wall to do the same, super jump like in the matrix that allowed you to jump from building to building. Disarming someone with a roundhouse kick (although they could grab the gun while it was still mid air if they were good, which you do see happen in one of the vids below), the deadly reverse kick to the face which usually one shotted someone, but was tricky to pull off, and of course the similar move with the katana, reverse stab. Yes, a Katana.

    The amount of guns the game had for the time was incredible as well. I'd guess 20 or 30, but it was a long time ago.
    And of course, bullet time and slow motion.

    God damn that game fucking owned.

    Here are some videos.
    This is version 2.1
    Version 3.0

    I always preferred 2.0, or maybe it was 2.1 I played, I can't remember.

    Anyway, the point of this thread was, apart to point out how fuckin cool this game is, I was wondering if anyone would be up for a game sometime?

    On another, totally moot point, if someone made a HL2 source version of this it would be fucking amazing if it was done as well as the first one.
    Last edited by ShitFace; 12-17-2009 at 11:13 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Crysack's Avatar
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    God, I remember this. I never played 3.0, I believe the last version I played was 2.1. My weapon of choice was a single 5-7.

    Incidentally, there was supposed to be a quasi-remake of it in source called 'Distraction' but it doesn't look particularly promising.
    Last edited by Crysack; 12-18-2009 at 03:23 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member ShitFace's Avatar
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    My weapon of choice was a desert eagle or the MK23s. I think thats what they were called anyway.

    Pistols ftw.

    I used to be a god with a deagle though lol.

  4. #4
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    I remember playing this.

    I also remember playing Action Half Life and The Opera back in 2001-2002.

    Both were superior to The Specialist and had a similar theme. (AHL being based off Hollywood action movies, The Opera being based on action movies... from Hong Kong)

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