Honestly, the AOL speak and lack of spelling and such frustrates me but not to the point I actually care.

I think it's fine without rules to be honest. There aren't any complete dickheads about. Thread derailment shouldn't be an issue because it's too hard to define (some threads will naturally progress to other topics anyway). Flames out of Flames is fine unless someone takes it too far but, if so, that person should just be warned against being a twat. Bad PS suggestions (unless you're really taking liberties) shouldn't be a problem either because it implies that there is one particular right answer to everyone's problems. Or people could interpret advice they simply disagree with as being bad.

Basically, it's a nice little community here. Nobody's fucked it up and the only thing that really would fuck it up is if it became some fascist dictatorship run by nazi mods.

It's called casual discourse for a reason.