We have more users now, and victrola can't seem to defeat my arguments in Flames so he edits my posts, so yeah.

Quote Originally Posted by victrola View Post
modernising a nation: albania is still the ass pimple of europe
Yeah, when socialism ended and capitalism came, poverty went through the roof and everyone emigrated. It was the largest exodus of people since WWII. Thanks capitalism.

bringing china to the un: who cares if china is part of the UN
The USA, Russia, DPRK, India, UK, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Israel, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos, Canada, Europe in general, most of Africa, generally the entire world, etc.

overthrowing the ethiopian government: wow what a worthwhile achivement that is - just look at all of the historical sights and valuable resources that ethiopia has to offer any would-be ruler
Hoxhaists still overthrew the government. They also fought against the military dictatorship in Brazil and against the various military dictatorships of Turkey, not to mention fought against the Colombian government in cooperation with FARC, have seats in the Ecuadorian assembly, etc. Hell, probably the most popular place for Hoxhaism in the West is Britain.

how about you fuck off back to your world of make-believe where communists rule all nations
That made no sense.