I'll make this short and to the point because that's how I like it.

Current system: Once a person reaches a certain amount of negrep, they are temp banned. After that ban period is over the person is allowed to return and clean up their act.

Why that's bad: Positive rep far outweighs negative rep. If someone is accumulating enough negrep to be banned, then obviously they are contributing absolutely nothing. Even a good post here and there that garners rep would balance them out or put them in the green (i.e. Kal El or Pepsi). So...the person gets temp banned, then what? Then they come back a bitter troll that will contribute even less to the site. From what I see nothing else is done though. They can receive unlimited negrep with no further repercussions. Essentially its like throwing a person in jail, releasing him to the same people that jailed him, and telling him he can't be jailed again.

Solution: Bans for different levels of rep maybe? Keep the current one as a first ban, set another negrep level for a 2nd temp ban, and a 3rd rep level for a permaban. Seems like the best solution now. Or just 1 tempban then a permaban. Or just a permaban. I'm not in charge here.

Just figured I'd throw this out there. In hindsight this would all work out much better if we didn't have such a small close-knit community, but whatever I already typed it up. Take it however you want.