How to register a domain:
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Similar to registering the name of a business in the respective trade entity of each country, to register a domain it is necessary to add some personal data to be shown as the sole responsible. It is also necessary to pay an annual rent that in most cases does not exceed 11 dollars annually, although there may be factors that change everything:

  1. The domain is very desirable (the simplest are preferred because customers can easily remember them:,,, etc.), someone already has it and you even paid by the thousands of dollars. is the most popular platform for auctioning domains.
  2. Your top-level domain, that is, the "surname" of the domain name. There are by tens, for example: .info and .in (the cheapest), .com, .org, .net, (the most popular and maintaining that average of 11 dollars), .es, .ar, .co , .uk, (from countries), .tv, .travel and .xxx (the most expensive).
  3. Someone already had that domain, exploded it (SEO, inbound links, branding) and released it, so now it happens to be a Premium domain that can hover over thousands of dollars.

The procedure for registering a domain is the following (taken and adapted from Wikipedia):

  1. Choose a domain.
  2. Check the availability of the desired domain name in some registrar [where they are obtained, see recommended below].
  3. Enter personal information [here comes into play something important and that will surely offer you when you want to buy your domains: WHOIS Privacy. Being responsible for the domain is important, it is not a game - attention to cybercrime - so to further protect your data you are offered this special service to hide them because by default they are visible to anyone with some knowledge. It costs about $ 3 extra per year.] 4. Choose the amount of time the domain will remain registered.
  4. Pay the domain, usually by credit card (or also by bank transfer)
  5. Once leased, the now domain registrant must configure it with the URL to which to redirect, IP of the server that will find through the DNS, DNS server used by this one.
  6. The domain registrant must wait a while for the domain to be recognized on all Internet servers. For domains .com and .net the delay is between 4 and 8 hours, and for others it is usually between 24 and 48 hours. In that period:
  7. The registrar contacts ICANN [Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers] and performs the process in a transparent manner for the registrant.
  8. The registrant [the user] is notified that the domain was registered.
  9. The [after a few hours] page is already accessible via a domain name from any computer.

With Google you can find enough help as it is a work that thousands of users around the world do daily. YouTube can also be another simple way to find a simple guide, for example, this video to change a subdomain .blogspot by a custom .com domain.

After having a domain the subdomains are totally free and you can create as many as you want, for this reason it is not difficult to create a blog of type since they are gifts; the domain that really counts is and that is not for sale. The same happens with, and the other portals that give away their subdomains (be careful if someone wants to sell you a subdomain).

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