Quote Originally Posted by ephekt View Post
Pfft, where's my WUSB? I already have eSATA for externals.
I haven't heard anything about WUSB. What speeds were people expecting?

Quote Originally Posted by ephekt View Post
You'll never hit the max theoretical limit anyway. I haven't really kept up with the USB3 spec, but I know USB2 varied greatly due to the controller and having to offload to the CPU - real world speeds were only about ~25MB/s, often far less.
Just going off the numbers the article provided from their experiment of copying a 25GB file:
USB 1.0: 9.3 hours = 0.76 MB/s
USB 2.0: 13.9 minutes = 30.7 MB/s
USB 3.0: 70 seconds = 365 MB/s

IF the technology for 3.0 is similar to 2.0 , and 3.0 is still about 12 times faster than 2.0, I would think 'real' speeds would be 200+ MB/s. Not shabby me thinks.

...I'm just salty my PCMCIA eSATA card sucks a nut.