Quote Originally Posted by MrTroy View Post
I think the Hard Drive's RPM speed (read/write really) and obsolete software are the biggest bottlenecks today, everyone has these massive processors, 8 gigs of dual channel high clock speed RAM.

But they have to wait for the hard drive to ramp up in RPM to get going, plus all this old software that was written for Win 95/98 that can only go so fast, no matter if you have a 800Mhz processor or a 3.2Ghz
What software are you using? Commander Keen? Jeez.

Most new software if blazingly fast and makes use of all the technology. Examples: Firefox, Chrome, any new games, gaim, etc.

I would just go for a 7200RPM drive for now. There is too much new technology on the horizon to invest in something as expensive/inefficient as a 10K RPM harddrive.