Quote Originally Posted by Killuminati View Post
Haha I don't expect life to be as they showed it in that video, that's why I said it was microsofts vision and not what was going to happen. I'm just excited for some or any of the kind of technology in that video to appear in our daily lives. And what is this with the iphone affecting what you think about the surface? I don't even understand how they are related besides the multitouch and it's not like the surface stole the multitouch from the iphone, shit I remember watching videos for the surface years ago and they already have plans for the newer version to come out in like 2 years.
Oh it's not that I think Microsoft stole the whole touch sensitive thing from Apple (in fact, for the first time, the intellectual theft might have been in reverse.) It's merely that my judgment of Surface can't helped but be colored by my experience with the iPhone. Though the iPhone is nice, its touch-style interface will never, ever be able to replace the mouse + keyboard without some super huge innovations being added or unless there is a real niche found for this.

I mean, spinning a globe with your fingers is cool, as is passing photos back and forth. But the mouse is still simply a more flexible peripheral than anything else that has tried to replace it. Hell, even trackballs (which were simply inverted mice) have disappeared in large part from the market. Like I said, yes, maybe there will be niche applications for this thing, but touch displays just aren't designed well enough as of yet to function in the place of a mouse.