Just wondering what CD.com's preferences are. Insert cursory arbitrary poll.

Personally I use ubuntu on my PC (dual boot with XP just 'cos) which I find is very satisfactory because a) it's free, b) it's far easier to get a hold of non-gaming software than with XP, c) I guess I'm a sucker for the philosophy, but I'm not sure if that's because I genuinely believe in open source software or because I'm cheap. Furthermore, in a strange way it can handle my mixed age hardware better than XP (on average it takes longer to set up a fresh install of XP on my PC than it does a fresh install of ubuntu, and ubuntu will outperform XP in the end anyway). This is not to say that I think XP is a bad OS - I still use it happily on my laptop - but in this instance linux just serves my needs better. All the games I play run very well on wine also, so I'm a happy linux user.

Recently however I've been thinking of changing distro, possibly to straight debian because there are some aspects of ubuntu that really piss me off (why they keep buggy drivers in their default packages I don't know) but I dunno if I have the knowledge to get away from the spoonfed nature of installing shite on ubuntu.

What about you knobs?