Quote Originally Posted by Mr. E View Post
It isn't the point of the thread and it isn't helpful. If any moderator ever looked at Technology Today I am sure they would agree. If you want to argue IS ethics make a new thread about it, because this guy is actually looking for help.
Quote Originally Posted by Vengeful Scars View Post
Guys, seriously go to fuckin AI if you wanna debate, this is Personal Support for the computers.

OP: I dunno, I don't know shit about Macs
Do I really have to do this?
Elitist technology geeks, this is your home. Confused noobs, go back to Google.
Hey look a forum description. Support is just one of many topics of discussion which could arise here. I get that you both probably think your software piracy is somehow justified, but you're actually just too poor to afford it. You wouldn't steal an MB if you couldn't afford one, so why should software be any different?
And while I'm on that analogy, anyone who stole a car and asked advice on fixing the fender bender he got while driving away with his stolen ride in the carport would be chastised heavily.
Quote Originally Posted by ephekt View Post
He's an idiot for expecting support after pirating an indy game (and failing at it). If he'd spent the $10 it wouldn't be an issue, but most people are goddamn liars and only use DRM as justification for their piracy.
This. World of Goo is intentionally DRM-free because there's no EA requiring it, and those who are responsible for it are gamers too, who are just as annoyed by DRM as every other responsible, non-thieving gamer out there.
Quote Originally Posted by piranhas View Post
I think I know what you are trying to say, and I think you are wrong. I feel that stealing from any game developer is the same no matter what size they are. Just because EA can bounce back from their games being pirated doesnt make it okay. Hell that is one of the reason we get shitty sequels.
We get shitty sequels because they're economically viable, carry less risk than an entirely new game, and despite their shittiness people lap them up (surely often because they enjoyed the original and didn't bother to think the sequel might actually be shit), not because of piracy. People still pirate shitty sequels, just probably with less frequency (because they're, well, shitty). EA still puts out new and innovative stuff (Mirror's Edge comes to mind) despite piracy, although I agree that software piracy is morally and legally wrong and that it surely affects their bottom line in a negative fashion.