Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
yeah... if you're on an iphone, can't you use some sort of IM service to do text messaging?
I mean, granted the other person would also have to have an IM service (if you were going to use AIM, for example), but doesn't everyone have one? My phone is 112 years old and holds 20 text messages total (including outgoing), but even I can text using AIM. Of course, I have unlimited texting myself, but it wouldn't cost the iPhone user a penny - it'd just be data.

The point is - there are tons of websites that let you send texts to mobile phones for free. It does seem outrageous that you have to pay anything at all to text when you have unlimited data transfer, but hey. Just stick it to the man and go around it, right? Considering how most of us circumvent a point of sale to acquire our media these days, it seems like no big deal to add one more thing to the list.