This thread could not be fuller of misinformed terminology.

HD: high definition, a flavor of signal
LCD: flavor of display, flat panel (as opposed to some sort of projection), same concept of display as what's used in handheld calculators and cell phones. Has to be shot through with a backlight for most useful color operations
CCFL LCD: the more affordable, mass market, traditional LCD. Uses something like a florescent tube used for interior lighting to light the LCD.
LED LCD: uses lots of LEDs to backlight the LCD, superior but pricier to CCFL LCDs
DLP HDTV: the HD version of the old bigass projection TVs
Plasma: flat paneled, brighter than LCDs, better contrast ratios than LCDs, generally better picture (although LED LCDs are encroaching). Drawbacks are they're heavier and they use about as much power as the same sized CRT (so they put off some nice heat). They also used to be pretty horrible about burn in (where something like a game scoreboard could be "burnt in" to the screen if it's stationary for long enough) but supposedly this has been mostly fixed. They're cheaper by size next to LCDs too.

So yeah. In terms of tech, LED LCDs are probably the nicest in principle, but you'll pay a lot. I've got a 32" Samsung CCFL LCD I bought in Fall of 07 which I like well enough, but I will probably go for something bigger (1080p capable) once I'm out of school. I'm not sure if I'd drop the money for the LED LCD, it depends on how far prices drop by graduation. I like how relatively little power LCDs use (and the corresponding lack of heat produced) so I don't see myself buying a plasma, but I recognize had I bought a plasma with my ~$1000 a few years ago I'd probably have a better display.

Prices (for comparison):