Google Docs has less than half a million users. What the fuck are you talking about?

Bandwidth? Are you fucking kidding me? Compare the costs of bandwidth today to the cost of bandwidth just 5 or 10 years ago. It's an astronomical drop in cost (considering 5 years ago the majority of internet users were still using dial-up.) Consider also the vast increase in speeds offered on mobile networks for, again, relatively low cost (I can get internet at roughly dial-up speed on my cell phone for $25 a month.)

While Chrome and next-gen browsers aren't OS' in a proper sense of the word, they seek to replace their function. If you're using a browser to run apps traditionally reserved for the desktop/OS to run, then the browser has effectively replaced the OS. Google can attack Windows by shifting the design philosophy from desktop-based computing to browser-based computing.

Consider, as well, that this is significantly shifting the demand for computer power from the user to the provider. Imagine having a full desktop suite available on your phone because Google can host it on their cloud instead of having your phone use battery-intensive, complex, high-processing power-demanding processes. It's right around the corner. Google Chrome may not be the browser that ends up doing it, but as long as it ends up happening, Google will be in perfect position to grab the majority of market share.