Quote Originally Posted by MrTroy View Post
Seriously guys? So if a company had a partnership with Dell, or IBM or any other major company, and that partnership deal requires your companies techs to have XX certification, you would not do it?

So you would turn down a 40 to 60 grand a year job just because you don't want to go get a Server 2003 cert? Wow....
Depends on the cert. If they required me to get some useless Microsoft cert, then I would tell them to fuck off. Or if they told me to get some ridiculously useless CompTIA cert. It would just be an insult to the employee's because no company I have met, or interviewed with, have taken CompTIA certifications seriously.

They are met to impress HR; the technical interviewers don't care about that sort of stuff.]

Now if they told me I had to get a certification from IBM about AIX, and they were willing to pay for it, then I would probably do it.