With BF3 coming out this Fall, I'm looking to build a new desktop as my only real computer is an intel graphics-powered C2D notebook, and my only other working computer is an athlon xp-powered beast from 2003. Is anyone around here still into building computers? I have totally fallen out of the loop in terms of what's desirable at different price points, so if someone could help me out it'd be appreciated.

As for my requirements, I'm hoping to not get too far past $1000, and I'm pretty much totally set on a GTX 570. Other than that, I'm fairly open to ideas (for one, I know nothing about the current AMD versus Intel landscape -- back when I had the Athlon XP the value/speed ratio of it was loads better than contemporary P4's but I'm getting the feeling the Core i series is winning this round. I'm looking at a Core i5, 3 GHz range, if Phenom is better at that area I'm totally open to the idea).

My other big thing is Linux compatibility, I'm active in a FOSS project that's way easier to work on in Linux, and I generally am so used to it at this point the idea of using Windows for anything but games is disappointing. In the past, I haven't had the best luck with realtek audio and networking in Linux so, if I go Intel CPU, I'm going to really lean towards an Intel motherboard for the integrated Intel networking chipset. It looks like even Intel boards have Realtek audio codecs though, so I'll just have to cross my fingers as it looks like Creative has finally gone fully to shit.