So i've encountered a major problem with my system.

Last night while i was heading home, my system was working perfectly. I was listening to some rock with low bass for a little while, but then i started listening to some music with very heavy and frequency bass.
Well, after about 5 minutes. All of a sudden the bass just went out. I pulled over to see if anything was unhooked and nothing was loose or unhooked.
I turned my car back on and the KAC-7204 blue power light would not light up. The bass would still hit, but it was soft and sort of distorted.

I checked all of the fuses and nothing is blown. All wires are hooked up as they should be. But the bass is still not what it was before.

Any diagnosis or checks i could do?

I have a warranty on the amp. I know the subs are not blown.

(Whenever i play my music with lots of bass, the amp does have a tendency to get very hot; even with the two little fans in it. But now since the amp "won't turn on" , the fans don't turn on either.)
