Obnoxious road-ragers are another peeve of mine, though nowhere near as bad as the turn signal thing. A couple of months ago I was in a government vehicle on I-10 going to New Orleans about 5am. The windshield needed cleaning, so I hit the washer fluid. A car behind me sped up and started riding my ass (I was doing about 85 in a 70 mph zone), though I was still cleaning the windshield. Next thing you know, he is passing on the right and cutting me off. He slowed down to about 60 mph or so and sprayed his washer fluid for a good 30 seconds or more. Nice guy. A short while later he got stuck behind slow traffic and ended up behind me again, so I did what any good driver would do, maintained my speed and kept my cool. This guy has nothing better to do than show his ass and risk an accident because a little overspray got on his car on the way to work.