Anony, KBB is laughable, no one actually uses that as a basis for vehicle valuation (I work in automotive wholesale at the furniture company). Insurance companies do not give you what your car is worth private party in excellent condition. They give you what it would sell for on a wholesale auction block. Sucks, because you don't have the ability to buy at wholesale, but that is just how insurance works. KBB is not used, they look at NADA black book (aka "left side" - wholesale prices are on the left of the page, retail on the right) with small regional adjustments possibly. 4 wheel drive vehicles actually tend to be worth more in the north, backwards of your logic, because they are desirable for driving in the snow. Seriously though I do know wholesale vehicle sales and how insurance works, you're not going to get anywhere near what you think you will. Any improvements you've put into it do not affect value positively at all, and actually could make it worth less believe it or not.