Quote Originally Posted by Atomic View Post
It doesn't seem high for price. I guess it works but I would think 22 long rifle wouldn't have enough gas pressure to push the bolt back. The bolt also looks odd and I wonder how many load problems it has? Or does the magazine extend up into the mag well far enough to not cause load problems? I'm sure they got all the kinks that I would consider it not working because of those problems worked out and runs fine. It just looks funny to me. If it was higher priced I'd have major reservations on buying one until I saw it working.
Quote Originally Posted by jojo View Post
Might be fun to shoot and lower the costs but if you need to kill something I wouldn't recommend it.
Ive never heard any problems with them. The gas system works differently when you have this in.
Also on the cost thing anony, yesterday when I was at academy 7.62 x39 was cheaper than .223 Time for you to trade the AR for an AK.
I knew this when I bought my AR, and I still bought the AR.

Quote Originally Posted by smith357 View Post
One of the guys at the range had one, I don't know if it was the one you show, and it was a pretty cool accessory. His worked well and did not FTF while I was there.

22 conversions are great fun and practical too. They allow you to get in a lot of trigger time with your real weapon while not spending an arm and a leg on ammo.
Thats why I want to get it. Lots of cheap trigger time.