Yeah man, this one time, when I was on the subway, there were these two rough looking kids that were staring at me since I got on. They said something to eachother( I couldn't hear/understand it), and then one of the guys moved behind me.
I looked the other guy dead in the face, and stepped behind the guy who'd stepped behind me. This seriously shook up their idea of what was about to take place, since the one I was looking at suddenly donned his best diarrhea face, and the other stood perfectly still.

That time, my heart was pumping, man.

That's another thing.

Don't hesitate. Be deliberate in your actions..

I mean, it's like what's his face said. Don't be arrogant, but be confident in your actions.
Don't be afraid to do what your instincts are telling you to do.

It was a little embarrassing to make such a blatant move to behind the guy, but I think it saved me a lot of trouble that day.