Well, no one is here this weekend. But now I have my grill. I picked up a 15 pound Boston butt earlier and some cheapo BBQ sauce with the intention of cutting the butt into thirds, smoking it and throwing on the sauce. Now I have decided to pick up the ingredients to make my own sauce instead of letting Kraft do the job. I'm going for NC style and will be trying this recipe. As is usual for me I am cooking on impulse, so the meat will not have time to marinate or have a rub applied. Should still turn out okay, got the charwood going with a few lumps of charcoal for good measure, about to soak the hickory chips and will be preparing the sauce as soon as I get the ingredients.

Ribeye was also on sale, at $4.99 a pound. Unfortunately, all were fifteen to twenty pounds and I had no desire to spend $100 on a piece of meat. I was able to find some Bud Dry down this way. I like the taste (for a macro) and have to admit that the novelty is appealing also as Bud Dry is one of the only Budweiser products that is hard to find. Bud Ice Light also comes to mind but I never cared for it too much. The same store also carried Schaefer Light and Schlitz, two other beers I last saw in South Carolina. For good measure I picked up some daiquiri and pina colada mixes. Guess I'll pick up a bag of ice too. Gotta love the ice machines down here, never saw them further north.

Anyway, I've been honing my grilling skills over the past few years and feel as though I am improving. My biggest problem is I enjoy grilling too much and do not want to call it a day, sometimes resulting in overcooked food. At least now I can entertain my friends and family. Too bad none are down this way. Hell, maybe we can arrange a get together with some of the CD users from LA sometime. Do some shooting, drink some beer and cook something from land and/or sea.