After being called a "hick", being referred to as someone who doesn't belong in the "civilized world, and other such things by worthless fucks like Gwahir, I got to wondering:

How many of you suffer discrimination because of your political beliefs?

Most of the time, it happens whenever I mention RKBA, or get involved in any [pro/anti] gun debate.
People start getting offensive, they make wild accusations, and insult you. This is all based on the fact that you hold a certain political belief, and you own a certain type of machine.

On the internet, half of the time, they make racist comments, assuming that I'm a lower class white person.

It's funny, I remember when tolerance meant respecting another's right to his beliefs, while disagreeing strongly.

I don't know when it changed to what it is today; "You have to agree with me, or you're a closed minded, ignorant hick!"

Anyway, have at it.