Quote Originally Posted by smith357 View Post
I'm not sure that yard tools or implements of destruction as they are sometimes called are really redneck. As long as you are using youre chainsaw to cut logs for your ski lodge in Vermont it fine. It's only when your chainsaw to cut the opening ribbon for the new mud bog in Alabama that it becomes Redneck.
True, yard tools are necessities for any home or property owner. I used the trimmer yesterday to good effect. Boy am I glad I went with gas. My father-in-law owns a cheap electric and that thing is a pain in the butt even to cut his small yard. The grass may be in need of a proper cutting in short order. As soon as the $3000 or so comes through I may look more seriously into a decent mower. I'm also debating whether to grow a lawn or just keep the grass that is there. There are a few creeping thistles and the usual dandelion and other weeds but tearing it all up to plant more grass seems like it may create a mess. Also, I've been considering turning some of the backyard into a garden. It would get me off here and keep me busy on weekends.

So, any suggestions for mowers, generators, chainsaws, etc? Thinking of going Craftsman Professional for the compressor, and getting a used generator with at least 5k+ output. A dirtbike or ATV would be great for the dirt trail behind the house, but I can't afford everything.