As most of you know, ammo has been very hard to find, and when you do its expensive. I went to wally world today to get some stuff, and I passed by the ammo section to see if they got anything in, like I do every time I go. I saw the shelves were still pretty empty, but they had some .223 and .40 S&W. So I picked up 50 rounds of .40 and 40 of the .223. I might just have to hold on to it though. Who knows when ill be able to get more.

Right now I have a good amount of .223, but thats about it. I have maybe 300 rounds of it. I have a shitload of .30-06, but that will go fast once I get my Garand. I just need some 9mm, .45, and .22. Even .22 is sold out every where.