The penalties for carrying around a concealed illegal firearm is going to be a lot worse than having a pocket knife on you. I mean I don't know how you even compare that. Plus a gun is a whole shit ton more expensive than a knife. I know knife wounds are nasty, knives are no joke. Pulling out a knife on someone is serious, I would only pull one out if I thought that I needed to. When you use a knife you are making an attack very personal, much more so than a gun I would expect. I don't treat knives or guns lightly and I don't fuck around with this kind of stuff. I'm not trying to act like a tough guy, I don't ever want to be in a situation where I would want to have a knife or gun on me. If I have a knife on me and they pull out a gun, I'm not gonna be trying to use the knife to do something stupid and end up shot. If I felt like I was in danger though, or if I felt that my girl was in danger and after assessing the situation determined that I might be able to use a knife to my advantage then I'm going to use it.

As for the breaking into the home I wasn't talking about just stabbing crackheads as they tried to knock down the door, just that if something did happen(we already got robbed so hopefully it won't happen again) and the Ka Bar could be useful then it could be used in some way. When I was talking about stabbing I only meant stabbing out of necessity and not as an attack on a home intruder. I know the law(kinda) and plus I don't even think I could do that to someone who was just breaking in and not attacking me. Stabbing an unarmed intruder is some fucked up shit, even if they are a crackhead.

When I was talking about the knife being big and easy to stab with I was only talking about someone breaking in and threatening my life. If they don't come in armed with a gun I would have that Ka bar in hand and who knows where it could go from there. As long as the person didn't try and attack me and left my house(which would probably happen anyway if they found out we were home while trying to rob us) then there would be no problems. If they attacked me with a knife or similar weapon then I would stab them with the ka bar(or at least try). If they are breaking into my house and attacking me with a weapon then I think I'm in the clear to stab them without going to jail.