Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous D View Post
Where can you get that spray? It keeps them away? Im going to have to look into getting some. Cause we are going to go out there often.

They have red bugs/chiggers in the city. And as far as being small, well they are almost too small to see. I think they are like .5 mm across. Luckily most of the btes have gone down, but I have poison ivy on my arm now.
I'm not sure if you can buy the stuff I have. Try military surplus stores or Ebay. I still have a case or so of military issue permethrin that is used to treat clothing. Spray it on, let it dry and it lasts for a few washes. Treat a mosquito net or tent with it and it works wonders. Last time I went camping I sprayed the entryway. The only bugs in the tent the next day were dead ones. It's also fun to get on your skin. Nice numbing sensation.