Quote Originally Posted by crunker View Post
We anarcho-capitalists don't believe that there should be no police, we just believe that there shouldn't be a single law enforcement hierarchy for a given geographical region.
If you create more than one "law enforcement hierarchy for a given geographical region" then you're expanding the government's role in direct violation of the "anarcho-" part of anarcho-capitalist.

The justice system is, by definition, reactive. If your fuckin' yee-haw, shoot-from-the-hip "justice" system were in effect, with no independent audit function, it would create a horribly powerful incentive to run around lawlessly. We'd be plunged into the wild west, with even better weapons.

The strength of the modern justice system is exactly the reason our economy was able to diversify and expand--a society cannot be productive if it cannot delegate a specialized group to maintain the function of justice. A society cannot be productive if it cannot rely on the sanctity of its contracts, or if market participants cannot trust in the delivery of goods or payments. In fact, the one and only statistically significant indicator of advanced economic growth throughout the entire history of man has been the relative strength of a society's justice system. Essentially, the less time and resources you need to spend physically protecting yourself and your assets, the more time and resources you have available to dedicate to commerce. When a society has more time and resources available for commerce than its peers, it is obviously more capable of growth.

But yeah, keep dreaming of your fortified castle filled with guns where any asshole off the street can end it all for you with little threat of repercussion. That seems healthy.