For some reason I was IP-Banned from mmalinker. I made an account but never even posted on the site, I emailed about it and they were just like "Idk what happened" and never fixed it lol.
Anyway I agree the Faber is much more talented than Brown. That overhand right in the first round that rocked Brown shattered his hand and then a little later on he broke his thumb on the other hand. He probably would have gotten a 2nd round TKO if that hadn't happened, and even with two busted hands he locked multiple chokes which he couldn't finish(because of his hands). Still you have to give props to Brown. He's a tough motherfucker and I think is going to beat the shit out of Aldo, where I think Faber would have lost to him.
edit: lol oh hey looks like i was unbanned from mmalinker.