When in any sport(not just combat sports) did a technique that you've been working your ass off on just click and you got it?
For me it was my throws. Last tuesday we were doing live takedown sparring(just takedowns and stand up once someone gets in a definitive position) and I was sparring one of my partners that hadn't been there for a lot of our throwing drills. Eventually I caught a whizzer hook on his right arm and just hit an absolutely perfect throw. The kind where you just go through the motions and the other guy goes flying and it feels like theres no resistance. Everything just clicked at that moment(i've always had to force throws before) and I just understood how to do it. I didn't train again until tonight, and I was sparring one of the most experienced grapplers in our class who is ridiculously hard to takedown. I hit the same throw fucking perfectly and slammed him right into side control. Honestly IMO hitting a perfect throw like that is the most satisfying thing you could ever do in any combat sport. Especially if you end up knocking em out with it lol.