My favorite 4 sports are, in no particular order; American Football(because I'm a lineman, a small one at that, and I love absolutely raping my larger counterparts and the quarterback), Hockey(Because A) I'm a Damn good center and goalie and B) The check happens to be my favorite move), Boxing(knock out, or be knocked out is how I've played, except one match where the smaller opponent wore me out(225lb Lineman in football vs 175lb Wide Receiver) and got more hits in towards the end of a 10minute round, and by judges decision he won) and Rugby(because the game looks fucking brutal)

I've been interested in rugby since I was 14, but in America, to my knowledge no High Schools, or Universities, give scholar ships for the sport, nor even have it as a sport to be in(Which sucks, because I played football, was getting looked at by numerous SEC scouts, then I talked to an Ohio State scout who I told I was Diabetic and he said "For most schools, they'd never sign you for a scholarship because of the dangers associated with making you gain 50+ pounds").

After seeing those clips I must say, Whenever the next season starts I'm going to hop my ass on the Nashville Rugby club(pretty sure we have 1 or 2 there) and play. Cause goddamn, causing pain/injury/any amount of hurt into an opponent happens to be my favorite thing amongst sports. Hell, in Hockey, when I played Goalie for my first season, my record for most blocked shots was 74, and I also did 20 combined minutes in the penalty box for hooking and/or roughing, mainly because the ref's would not call penalties for players being in my crease.

I love me some sports that allows me to legally hurt another player.