Quote Originally Posted by djwolford View Post
Btw I'm a U of A fan, Auburn comes second God bless them.
Then you're not an Alabama fan. Or an Auburn fan, for that matter. My family are all Alabama fans, so I've pulled for them except every few years when the game rolls around. We have perfect complimentary rivalries so its a natural affiliation.

That's like supporting Notre Dame and USC, Georgia and Florida, Texas and Oklahoma, OSU and Michigan, UNC and Duke, or Florida and Florida State.

Georgia didn't come ready to play and got beat in the trenches. It's better that it happened to Alabama early than to Florida late. There's no way we were coming out of our schedule undefeated. We'll play Alabama against in the SEC Championship and splitting games with Alabama will be enough to play for the national title.

I'm expecting an undefeated team in the Big 12 playing a one-loss Florida/Georgia/Alabama SEC Champion.