Quote Originally Posted by dudeman View Post
I can definitely see the David Lynch influence in Svenom. While I don't find it funny with the exception of a few parts, it is very appealing. I hope to see some new episodes soon.

Oh, and I reversed that phone conversation in episode two hoping to hear some crazy, deranged message. All I got out of it was that Mr. Harld has a stressed relationship with his wife and has a tendency to speak gibberish when agitated.
Well, thanks! The point was to make it not so much like our other videos, so the humor is a lot more subtle and a little less present.

Also, you caught us on Episode 2. I guess we'll have to remember that people may actually reverse what is being said. The original purpose of the scene was that Harld was just boring Mr. Roots. But instead we threw that reverse on there and make it a segue into the dream-sequence-type-thing. That's great that you dug that far into it though.

Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
first, let me say that i couldn't stand watching more than like a minute of each movie.

the majority of comedy came from alex's disgusting appearance as well as his "i breath through my mouth because my nasal passages are blockedlol" voice, both of which I take it are real and not acted or added with makeup. i mean these combined with the fact that this epsilon semi-moron is actually taking himself seriously produce all the "humor."

if that was the point, then yes it's kind of funny i suppose, but if that's the case each of these videos could have been cut down to a half or a quarter of their current size and still retain the few pathetic funny moments that there are.

but please note that CD is not suppose to be a refuge for people rejected from SA in case this is why you decided to haunt our forum. kthnxbye
Some people really hate Alex or dislike his appearance. A lot of what we find funny is anti-comedy, something that a lot of people hate. Nothing is really being taken seriously though. Most of the dialogue is just improvised on the spot. It is mostly the character he is playing, because I assure you he isn't like that all the time.

If that is your opinion of Alex, you probably wouldn't enjoy much else that we do. That's perfectly fine though.

As for SA, I have just been finding it difficult to get any kind of comments on our videos, good or bad. I have posted this stuff in other places as well and this has been the only one thus far that has given us any kind of real input whatsoever. A big thank you for that!

Anyhow, I saw the banner for here on SA and I visited and thought I would just see what came of it. I apologize if this behavior offends anyone.