Quote Originally Posted by [racist] butt king View Post
So, it's ok to kill people by the thousands as long as there is a handful of d00ds shooting rockets? even when they apparently couldn't hit the broadside of a synagogue with some sort of jew-seeking missile

the israelis have killed 1300 people(mostly civilian) during this last 22 day bout alone. while the palestinian militants have killed, as I said earlier, 13 israelis(mostly IDF). Israel has taken 100x the amount of iife as the palestinians. From where I'm sitting, as a non-zionist and objective observer, israel is committing genocide.

This isn't about keeping israel safe, because the palestinians can't do shit to the israelis. that's why they're fuckin' fighting, because over half a century ago, the brits started forcing them out of THEIR homes at gun point, and they've suffered continual abuse by israelis and the israeli government since. I don't blame them for fighting the israelis. what would you do if native americans showed up at your door with automatic weapons and told you leave YOUR home? would you quietly shuffle off, without so much as a "fuck you, chief!"?
Remember my statement about someone following you around and recording what you say to show the world that some people shouldn't be allowed to breed?
I stand by it. The amount of ignorance and sheer stupidity you spew off on a pretty much regular basis is astounding. Although I will admit I'm impressed.
If you are a troll, you're doing a damn fine job.