well a more complete quote (i didn't want to spoil too much, you could say) is

Quote Originally Posted by sam harris
Take women's bodies, for example. What to do about them. Here's one thing you can do about them -- you can cover them up. Now it is the position, generally speaking, of our intellectual community that, while we might not like this, we might consider it as wrong in Boston or Palo Alto, who are we to say that the proud denizens of an ancient culture...

and he is right about that. moral relativism is a JUGGERNAUT in modern philosophy. ultimately. that is to say, lots of moral philosophers (and laypeople -- don't forget them!) will maintain that X is right or wrong only to a point and ultimately there is no real reason to maintain that Y viewpoint is more or less correct than another. moral relativism underlies a whole lot of modern thinking to the point that in many contexts it is treated as axiomatic.