Its pretty stupid really, the RIAA and the MPAA are fighting a battle they cannot possibly win, and if they think they can then they are delusional. The harder ball they play the bigger the backlash will be, when they shut down megaupload within 24 hours there were coordinated attacks shutting down the entire infrastructure of several huge organizations including the department of defense I believe. I can't remember where I read the article but i'm sure it would be easy to find on google if anyone is interested. And that was just a warning shot essentially saying if you fuck with us you aren't going to like where things go.

Of course megaupload was just 1 file sharing website out of god knows how many so it was such a big deal in the end, but it did serve as an example to show that people aren't going to just sit down and idly take this. If they implement hard measures to attempt to stop piracy like forcing ISPs to throttle speeds and even suspend services sooner or later shit is going to hit the fan and when its a handful corporations vs the entire world, well it doesn't take a genius to figure out which the losing side will be.