Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Baltar View Post
America is so good at criticising and destroying a culture that is thousands of years older than she is.
Westerners like ourselves cannot judge a culture like this which has completely different values.
Sure we think it's wrong.
Being older doesn't make it righter. Just because something is part of someone elses culture doesn't make it right, just because in another part of the world x is ok, doesn't make it right. The way rape victims are treated in some Islamic states is disgusting. I don't care what they believe about sexuality, they are fucking wrong.

I remember seeing a documentary about a 16 year old Iranian girl, who was publically hanged for crimes against chastity, after she got raped. This is a shocking way to treat people, it is wrong, and I am within my rights to comdemn those who think it is ok. Such ways of life are backwards.