Quote Originally Posted by Syme View Post
She was severely mentally ill. She heard God talking to her in her head and telling her to do things. According to the article in the OP:

"On audio recordings left for her family, police and gun range owners, Moore apologized for what she had done, but said God commanded her to do it. She said God made her the 'Antichrist,' and that she must die to save her boyfriend, son and the world from violence, and her mother, father and brother from hell.

"You have a gun, you can do it," she said God told her while she was in a mental hospital. "I have to die and go to hell so there can be a thousand years peace on Earth.""

Sounds like textbook schizophrenia to me. So basically, the reason that she decided to take her son's life is that she was shithouse crazy.
That's why she shouldn't have been allowed to rent a gun.