After Stalin's death the Soviet Union became state-capitalist with the introduction of the capitalist reforms of Liberman in the 1960's which followed the 1956 denunciation of Stalin and the announcement of a revisionist; pseudo-Marxist course by Khrushchev.

"The Soviet Society," said Comrade Enver Hoxha at the 7th Congress of the party, "has become bourgeois down to its tiniest cells, capitalism has been restored in all fields." (Enver Hoxha, Report to the 7th Congress of the PLA, p. 215). This conclusion of our party is the result of a thorough analysis of the concrete facts, aspects and directions of the whole process of the reestablishment of capitalism in the Soviet Union and other revisionist countries.
The economy faltered after the 1960's primarily because of such reforms.

As Enver Hoxha noted in 1981, in his call for the Soviet peoples to overthrow the state-capitalist regime:
The revolution and sacrifices you will make will not weaken your country but will revive the true socialist Soviet Union. They will overthrow the social-imperialist dictatorship and the Soviet Union will emerge from this stronger than ever.

In this glorious work you will have the support of all the peoples of the world and the world proletariat. The strength of the ideas of socialism and communism is based on this revolutionary overthrow and not on the empty words and underhand actions of the clique ruling you. Only in this way, proceeding on this course, will the genuine communists, the Marxist-Leninists everywhere in the world, be able to defeat imperialism and world capitalism. They will assist the peoples of the world to liberate themselves, one after the other, will assist great China to set out on the genuine road to socialism and not become a superpower so that it, too, can rule the world, by transforming itself into a third partner in the predatory wars which American imperialism, Soviet social-imperialism and the clique of Hua Kuo-feng and Teng Hsiao-ping which is ruling in China at present, are preparing.

In this glorious jubilee, we Albanian communists, as loyal pupils of Lenin and Stalin and soldiers of the revolution, remind you to think over these problems, vital to you and the world ' because we are your brothers, your comrades in the cause of the proletarian revolution and the liberation of the peoples. If you follow the road of the predatory, imperialist war, on which your renegade leaders are taking you, then, without doubt, we shall remain enemies of your system and your counterrevolutionary actions. This is as clear as the light of the day. It cannot be otherwise.

When we are convinced that we are acting correctly, we Albanian communists, linked with our people like flesh to bone, do not heave to in the face of even the fiercest storm. And we are convinced that we shall weather any storm, just as the Bolshevik Party and the Soviet Power did, just as the great Captains of the revolution, Lenin and Stalin, weathered them.