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Thread: Deal with student loans or move out with friends

  1. #1
    can't post; too scared Anonymous's Avatar
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    Default Deal with student loans or move out with friends

    First off, I would like to say I'm Pro education. I believe there is a large population of "slow" individuals that need to go to class and improve their learning skills to achieve a degree.

    I graduated high school with a 1.9 GPA (failed the highschool exit exam twice) and after highschool it was a reality check for me. GF went off to a fancy college, money was the motivation. I wanted to become an actor/musician and nailed a gig being Santa Clause for National Santa Day then hustled my way through standup comedy by teaching traffic school at age 19 in west Oakland and Santa Cruz for almost two years and now landed a stable IT gig at a company that provides a popular PDF reader. 22 years old now.

    Education is a lucrative business! I know cats right now that graduated with honors and they are kneedeep in loans pocketing 60k+ searching (sweating) for a job.... fuck outta he

    Luckily, right now I'm at a community college (fourth year) and will be applying to some decent colleges around the area while recently got accepted to a private school (60% chicks. Liked that) Their tuition was 38k up front. I asked the person that handled my pre orientation if she was getting commission. She said no. I said fuck off. There are some other choices that are much less but with a BS or BA, its gonna rack up 20k+.

    I plan on moving in with a couple of close buddies that have an idea of creating desktop/mobile application that will help small/big businesses streamline their work. I have a kacground in interface deisgn as well as graphicalWith an amount like 20-40k+ invested, I think it would be a great move rather than going in a class like the rest of the sheep listening to a fucktard that probably enjoys watching beastility fetishes.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Nermy2k's Avatar
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    If you want to make money, go to trade school instead of getting a BA or BSc. An undergraduate degree is almost worthless at this point in time, and you'd be raking in mad cash as a plumber / electrician / etc.

    Also, say the words "I'm going to invest 20 - 40k on an app" out loud in front of a mirror and see if you still think it's a good idea.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nermy2k View Post
    atmosfear did you suck gina's dick
    Quote Originally Posted by atmosfear View Post
    fuck yes.

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