I don't think the gold standard could be much of a fix or Ron Paul's ideas would make the world a better place. I think he is an amazing individual, and if more people were as diverse as him then he would probably make an okay leader. Other than that, I don't see him as a viable candidate to help our country now.

I don't think there are any Republican candidates that could represent my ideals and beliefs.

Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
Frankly, I'm glad that states are making a mosaic patchwork of inconsistent immigration laws to instill fears of a Latino witch hunt in both legal and illegal immigrants.

This has freed up huge numbers of fruit picker jobs that no Americans are willing to do but the Latinos were nevertheless "stealing" from citizens.

Thus Obama's job bill has become moot anyway. Just look at all the berries rotting in the fields if you don't believe me
I don't know if I read an article in this thread or somewhere else, but I was reading about farmer's who reserved a portion of the day's daily hirings for unemployed American citizens. It was just one account of one farmer, but he did say that the day(s) he did that many, if not all, of the hired Americans complained the work was too hard for the wages they were offered and left the job. I thought it was ironic because if you really want something you'll endure whatever to make it happen, and at time right now where so many people are striving for opportunity and challenging the status quo and what not I felt that was a sad blight on the hopes and dreams I had for people and this country. I really hope that was just one bad isolated incident.


As for the jobs bill on which this thread was founded.

So over the course of the last couple of weeks the jobs bill passed the House, wanted to be taken apart, debated in the Senate, and killed by a good ol' fashion filibuster. Obama is still fighting to have the entire jobs bill passed, and he is still campaigning across the country for it. I really think it is brilliant. He's challenging Congress to find a better bill with independent (that is something for somebody to look into, eh?) expert review. So far, I've just seen and heard McCain and Cantor rebuffing him with nothing and GOP candidates speaking passionate rhetoric. I think Obama is brilliant, and I feel if he were elected to a 2nd term that is where he would truly shine. I'm really liking the jobs bill and I think it would help the country.