I actually found this posted on another board but would like to share this here.

Ryguy_50 posted:
Why is ignorance positively reinforced in our society? For example, many say we fear what we do not know. If we simply made better efforts to understand foreign cultures and religions we might be able to avoid estrangement. However, it seems that the celebration of ignorance opinions acts as a bonding mechanism. Like people who get together who make jokes about Middle-eastern people being associated with suicide bombing. There are plenty of faculties available to pursue knowledge, but why does our society seem to actively promote ignorance?


I think ignorance is easy. I think a lot of people just want to live life as easy as possible. They don't want to have to know more than they have to. I think that is why news networks, political commentators, and other pundits can spread disinformation so easily because they are so accessible and being broadcasted gives them authority. TV never lies amirite? Jokingly aside, as great as a tool that the internet has become I think many people are distracted by cheap gossip and celeb news as well as the myriad of crap web games and the idea that you're building deep and emotional friendships watering virtual plants.

I end up resenting ever knowing some people because they are incredibly dumb. I don't know how to convince others to question as much as possible, to want to know as much as possible, to have an interest in learning even if not directly applicable to their jobs and careers. I don't go out and talk about or act that I know so much more than them about this and that. I am not a fuddy duddy that tries to correct a joke or badmouth humor. I'm legitimately concerned about people who are sinkholes in society.