this is for Mr E, in re your rep for me (thanks by the way ) --

Quote Originally Posted by gwahir View Post
in a country like the US, where your only political options are conservative or hyper-conservative, one weapon used by the hyper-conservative (whose policies, any thinking person can discern, make no sense)
i'm not necessarily talking about dems vs repubs; there are some more moderate republicans, but it's also where you'll find all the insane hyper-conservatives (i mean they wouldn't feel very at home with the democrats would they) or those running on the hyper-conservative angle. but i'm not really talking about the parties so much as the two sides of the political spectrum itself; it only spans from conservative to much much more conservative. there is no real liberal or progressive political force in the US. or australia, for that matter, though it's less conservative than the US, in certain ways.

the republican party is guiltier of playing the super crazy religious conservative angle, but then it's also guiltier of selling out and going with whatever strategy it thinks will appeal to conservative voters, so sometimes the worst of the republican representatives aren't hyper-conservative loony tunes, but just ideologically mercenary, power-hungry scumbags.