Quote Originally Posted by gwahir View Post
Furthermore, your assertion that "men need to be men" is one that is falling out of favour, and about time, too. Men come in a variety of natures: pansy, macho, buff, flamingly camp, nerdy, sporty, handy, French... why is one kind of man more a man than another? Am I less of a man than you? I've never been in a fight, and I hate sports and love music theatre, but I'm also very handy, know how to build, can hold my alcohol, can take care of myself in the wild and have always gotten superb reviews from women I've fucked. I'm also pretty well groomed, and don't grow a very good beard, and am pushing five feet seven at a generous guess. Does any of that make me more or less of a man than any other man?
Sort of, but not really. I mean that is how women influencing men are changing them. For the worse. Men should be rough around the edges. You can have feelings if you want. I don't but... (This isn't really true, men have them but no idea how to express them.)

And as far as what you do as an activity doesn't really make you more or less of a man. I can crochet and have knitted a little. Am I a girl? I can also fish, hunt, clean what I kill, sew a button, wash dishes, cook, plat leather and many other things. Some mostly done by women and some mostly done by men.

Here is an example of a boy and a man.

A woman is balancing the checkbook register when....

Honey, I forgot to write down that entertainment system that you bought last week. I payed all the bills but the check for the power bill came back. It was 160 dollars and now we owe them 50 more and the bank another 25.

Lashing out the boy yells and berates the woman making her feel worse than she already did. "NOW I'M GOING TO HAVE TO TAKE IT OUT OF OUR SAVINGS! YOU'RE SO FUCKING STUPID!"

Understanding the man tells her "Okay, I can make a transfer from our savings this evening to cover that." She already knew she made a mistake, the boy didn't have to point it out. The endings are not the same however. Both get the 235 to the checking account but one leaves the woman bitter and insecure and the other leaves the woman having more respect for her man.

Point being have some respect for her. And women should strive to be something a man can respect. The differences between a man and a woman are awesome and I hate that people are trying to close that gap. And that gap.