This is addressed to Atomic:

Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
Whenever a person develops a talent in one area or another, they affect their brain structure. It may, in fact, be the case that the difference in average brain development are caused by greater participation in gender-stereotyped activities by men and women, as opposed to reflecting some intrinsic, built-in difference between the two genders.

For instance, a study of London cab drivers found that they had larger areas of the brain associated with spatial reasoning abilities compared to a control group. Furthermore, there was a correlation between years spent being a cab driver and the size of this area of the brain. This strongly suggested that using these spatial reasoning skills actually encouraged restructuring of the brain.

Other studies have found similar results that suggest using certain skills repeatedly actually changes the structure of the brain, even in adults.
The relevance of this information, in terms of feminism, is this: differences you have perceived between men and women, no matter how intrinsic or in-built you think they are, are heavily influenced by society. Many women act "like women", and therefore have those women-specific traits/personalities/qualities you speak of, only because they are expected to.

One of my most deeply held philosophies is that people must be free, in a just society, to choose their own path. That means being free from coercion as well as having the same possibilities and options open to you as others. We are a long way from this -- and not just in feminist terms but also in racial equality, and other disadvantaged minorities. Women are not free to choose their own paths yet, not completely. Feminism is about moving towards that.