I acknowledge that I am biased and try my best to objectively steer around that. Sometimes I do that more efficiently than other times, but you know what? In this hypothetical situation where a robber has your TV in his hands, you're willing to point a loaded weapon at him. You then go on to say, like it's the most obvious thing in the world, that you wouldn't really pull the trigger. I apologize sincerely for making a naive connection between pointing a loaded gun at someone and firing a weapon. Maybe you don't realize that you have the luxury of knowing your intentions. For those of us who don't live in your brain, there is sometimes a lack of clarity. I find it genuinely baffling that you're so incensed over my assumption that you'd shoot someone you're pointing a gun at.

For the record, when you talk like you're John Wayne, don't be surprised when someone assumes you're going to shoot like you're in a Western. Gun enthusiasts who talk at length about their badass, deadly weapons make people like me nervous because it seems to show a distinct lack of regard for human life. When you glorify a machine that exists for the sole purpose of killing other people, you tend to exude an air of bloodlust. It is unnerving. That was my original point. Plenty of you seem to think it would be particularly gratifying to kill a criminal. I just think that's a little sick - sorry! But don't worry, I am not trying to pry your gun from your cold, dead fingers.

And you can breathe a sigh of relief, castle, because I am resolutely done with this thread. We will never agree, and that's just fine.