Quote Originally Posted by Syme View Post
Okay, first I had to point out that no-one here would actually kill over a TV set, now I have to correct YOU. She never "refused to see" what you are claiming here. In fact I think earlier in the thread she said that she understands using a firearm in defense of human life, and has no problem with it:

How much more obvious could it be that she has no problem with using a gun for defense of life, and only objects to the idea of using it for defense of property? How on Earth did you reach the conclusion that she "refuses to see any shred of reason" in the idea of defending family members' lives? Where did you even get that from?

I wish we could have a gun debate with both sides talking past each other, overlooking what was actually said, and putting words into each others' mouths.
You're right, I'll go ahead and retract that statement. What I meant to say was that even after I (and I think Anony did as well) said we wouldn't execute a guy for stealing our TV, but we weren't crazy for preparing for more she continued to pigeonhole us into the type of people who believe we're mavericks. I may get heated in my debates, but someone whose bias is so strong that I can't suggest having a 1911 near my bed to protect my family without coming across as a bloodthirsty noir hero really pushes my buttons. I already sent sole a PM apologizing if I came on too strong.