Quote Originally Posted by siXtheleMent View Post
Personally, I think that guns shouldn't be allowed on school campuses, even by school teachers. It doesn't make sense. At a school near me, this happened: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/articl...BAAT19CUPM.DTL
No guns or anything were involved; just a tackle.

If guns were allowed on college campuses by all the students, then even more fights would arise, because of the number of guns on campus; simple rivalries and such would turn violent. Just my 2 cents.
So what do you think would have happened if the guy with the pipe bombs had a gun too? Do you think he would have been tackled so easily?

And why dont you read the thread before posting uninformed shit. Not "all the students" would be able to carry guns. You would have to have a valid CCW permit, which means you have to be 21, take a live fire, 8 hr class, and be legally able to even own a gun. So in HS and below, staff would be the only ones that could legally carry, and only if they went through the CCW class, paid the fee, and got the permit.