I really enjoyed reading the posts here especially Syme's, and I learned a lot about the Taliban.

Quote Originally Posted by sailor jack View Post
Fuckin balls i forgot about this thread.

But this is good shit and it should carry on.

So all this talk about the Taliban in Pakistan is interesting, but what about al-Qaeda (Osama bin Laden)? Is the Pakistani government, or the ISI, complicit in harbouring a terrorist or is it criminally negligent? I believe the latter is probably true, but there is a nagging feeling at the back of my mind that simply wont believe it. bin Laden must have been in the country for a while for him to be so lost.

I also see the US actions as moral crimes. What does this say about international security with regard to leniancy or blind eyes (blind like Pakistan with bin Laden?) and what is your response to Pakistan being elected as temporary members of the UN Security Council?
I am glad the American government was able to kill Bin Laden, but I don't know how I feel about how we went into another nation's territory with much of a notice or consent even if it would have compromised the mission. I really never thought of anything or knew much about Pakistan until this event, and as far as I would think there is heavy corruption in the Pakistani government because someone or some people high up had to know and protected Bin Laden.